Stand is an app concept created by Charles Burr, Grant Weikel, and Emma Zucati as part of the cumulative project in their CPSC-5220 class.

Project Description πŸ›

Our app is for people who want to support small and local businesses while shopping for fun and unique items. The app was created to reduce the barriers for small businesses to get online easily and to make it more simple for consumers to find and purchase items reducing reliance on big business online retailers like Amazon and redirecting that spending locally.

Personas πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’ΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ¦±

Our main Persona, Morea, is a recent college grad who works as a social media manager at a local winery. She loves shopping for unique products and supporting local businesses.

We made Morea our main persona because she encompasses the main reasons a user would use the application. This persona is what we kept in mind when creating sketches, paper prototypes, and wireframes. Jenny, our secondary persona, represents the business owner side of the application.

Primary Persona

Secondary Persona

Jenny is our secondary persona because she represents the business owners who will be using the app to sell their products. Stand represents a new avenue to find an audience of customers.

Design Sketches ✏️